This year turned out to be very difficult. But we have optimized and reduced the cost of our products! It is almost impossible to find prices lower than ours, the sale is at the cost price level. Watch and be surprised by our super low prices
Hazara Singh
People in poverty is a source of cheap labour. So maintain a continuous supply of labour to the upper class of the society at low low wages the system is designed to maintain the poverty. Why are these victims of the system not standing uP? Lack of education ( no body is going to educate them) and lack of organization - here is the real trouble where all ' isms' like budhism, jainism, islam, sikhism and communism failed. The root cause of their failure is just the same- the deep rooted cast system in Indian society. it will never let any revolution explode. The only option for the deprived classes is to stop having children. Do not bring a child into this world to make the row of poor cheap labourers longer. Shortage of labour will help to increase the value of labour and wages which will lead to improvement in their the quality of life. So, No amir khan, no rahul , no Jathedar, no communist, no revolutionary is coming to help them. The solution is with the young couples living in poverty. All they have to do- just live a childless life. The poverty from that household or Jhugi will diappear like horns from the head of an ass. Baki, Mandeep bai, lekh vadhia c. likhde riho.